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Everything posted by pilF

  1. winzip but only because i paid for it long ago andfinaly managed to shut the application up, involving a small edit in the registry and some fiddeling with startup prefs.
  2. @HappyPolygonIt's an illustration of the things neural networks and in future general artificial intelligence can do better then humans. The water represents the level machine learning has reached. Playing Go, driving cars, etc. Dale-2 is another competence raising the water level.
  3. Ah the dreaded valley of human skills being flooded by AI. There's this interesting illustration on this concept made by a human named Hans Moravec. Max Tegmark discusses it in his book life 3.0. An good read if you are intersted in the subject, not very reassuring though. In the Netherlands there is this play partly written by machine learning. It produced crazy plottswists (inspiration) but needed a human to give it a context. Just like this image generator. So like @clarence says the machine generates new combinations humans get to make sense out of it. For now. Because, why should there be a limit to intelligence? In future their will be machines smarter then humans. And we need guidelines for the ai to behave, like parents teaching kids. Only by then we will be the children.
  4. With all future cards utilizing this new PCIe Gen 5 power connection the future of the next gen nvidia cards looks expensive in terms of power usage. This 16 pin connection can use up to 600 Watt ... glp
  5. One development i find particulary interesting is this instant NeRF. A neural rendering model that learns a high-resolution 3D scene in seconds — and can render images of that scene in a few milliseconds. Source: https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2022/03/25/instant-nerf-research-3d-ai/ And a demo, i like the disco music that goes with it too
  6. Quite convincing except for the teeth
  7. Hey that looks promising ...
  8. Tried importing this bed in Modo 10.2v2:
  9. pilF

    X particles goes GPU

    A promesing tech preview by Insydium, Xparticles fluid dynamics on GPU more then 4 times faster then its CPU brother.
  10. pilF


    From the album: Adventure

  11. In Modo there's a new development now in beta. The ACS plugin (by Pawel Olas) allows manipulation of the rig by clicking parts of it: digital clay. That would make for a nice user experience. see the beta in action here.
  12. Holger the creator of the script wrote: "Yes most scripts work with S24 and R25. The align scripts work…the scripts that don’t work will be fixed in a free update."
  13. Send a message to inform if the scripts are compatible with R24 and R25. It says R23 on the website. If so it is an instant buy. Thank you @Rectro and @Cerbera Philip
  14. Long ago i used to model in modo with the aid of a pluging called Etrea Super Aligner. A collection of very handy scripts to quickly straighten out vertices. I have not found scripts that can do this in C4D, yet. Anyone knows of scripts that can do this:
  15. pilF

    Viking Warrior

    Very cool character with a modern steel bolt helmet
  16. So if i just bend a tapered cylinder and offset it in time (step deformer) and set the bend to loop this will work too. Add a random effector for place and time to taste. I've added the file to take apart. Still want to know how to do this using splines only. cilia.c4d
  17. So I'm trying to get a wave of motion through a set of oscilating splines using fields. I need to imitate cilia in lung tissue. The splines are animated through a sine formula and the base of each spline is limited or glued to the surface by a field. Now i need the splines or cilia to move only within a defined fieild with a falloff. The problem is I can not get the two fields to play together and limit the motion to a defined areay. I'd appreciate any suggestions and attached a simple scene. Cheers Philip xp trilharen v04.c4d
  18. Well this was very helpfull, had 1000 splines of the same length merged into one object and wanted to select every first vertrice of every spline to anchor it with in xparticles. Create a selction tag, add a formula field en type mod(id;27)=0 pres play a few frames and force the selection set to show its selection ... Yaj! Wonder how i could have solved this if the spline had different lengths ... Hm same lengt but vary the extrusion distance ...
  19. Thank you Igor. I used an ordinary 36 mm lens and added RS CoC with a fixed distance. Would the image benefit from a different lens? And what is the trick again to make the link show up as an actual video ? Forgot to make the floaties behave linear...
  20. Updated the animation with floaties and dof for extra drama (forgot how to make the link to vimeo show up ..
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