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Papa Lenny

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Everything posted by Papa Lenny

  1. I found that downvoting a post results in a retaliatory downvote from some users, since they can see who rated them negatively. I think the initial idea was to allow people to see who rated them negatively so two users could work out their differences, but I suspect some users would prefer to get even. Thankfully the ignore feature works and I would have done that from the start if I was aware of it.
  2. Papa Lenny

    Important Notice

    Absolutely agreed. I found core4d as a refuge from CGtalk, but... ...if these are the types of posts I can look forward to while paying for the privilege, count me out.
  3. I'm gonna go out a limb here and assume Maxon doesn't follow your posts religiously for a development map. Everything you've described in this thread has been great - using the strength of one software to import into another! Maxon knows that's how the 3d world works. Let's be honest about how competing software evolves. Users demanded additions, and we get them or move. Those who needed it before Maxon implemented their needs moved to other software, like John did... but I think his argument is disingenuous. Blender went through enormous changes - like left mouse to select. Thievery? No. Pressure from users and market realities. Some things just work best a certain way.
  4. Please enjoy the "how to" video where he explains it on twitter!
  5. That's the great thing about an ignore feature - you don't have to use it! It's up to each user. 🙂
  6. Totally disagree. I've been through this on plenty of forums for plenty of software. "Ignore" on forums is good for users' mental health. It's no doubt better for mods. It keeps toxic users from having to be moderated in the first place since it eventually keeps trolls from getting what they want: attention. Just go look at cg talk C4d. You can see the last replies in most threads are from one user, who, while (seemingly) knowledgeable, can't help but make each and every thread just a little bit (or a lot) worse by belittling other users and/or dragging down Maxon in some way. Usually both. If I miss out on the one good post out of 30 a troll has, so be it. Life's too short to be spent babysitting trolls. We've all got better things to do.
  7. Glad to see you migrated over, mash! You've been a great contributor to the C4d community for some time. You helped me out quite a bit over the years with C4d and I have almost all of your old training on disc!
  8. Please implement the ignore feature. Cinema 4D cg talk went downhill FAST, It was due to a few users who had to poison every thread. If ignore was enabled, They would’ve just been shouting into the void. most people didn’t appreciate their tone. Now CG talk cinema 4d only has a few threads here and there, but it’s the same dude trolling every thread and derailing everything in between the rare times when he actually helps. He’s happy (ish?) being lonely as the king of the bridge he lives under. srek, thanks for holding the line as long as you did on cg talk. Many legendary Cinema 4D users left CG talk and said they would come here simply because it was moderated. The last few posts of the closed thread I saw were disappointing. Things don’t magically become productive after the insults start. Good riddance to it.
  9. Have any screenshots to share? I understand you have to take the whole thing down for film festivals, my sister had to do it, too. Or how about a dramatic trailer? 🙂
  10. The more I see demoed of S 26, the more impressed I am. I’ve got to be honest, the new release of u-render Really made a difference for me. They’re most recent social post showed that Maya and a Mac version of the Cinema 4D plug-in are not far behind. For my day job, I don’t always do graphic work. But this might be another little way into it. The modeling features really do impress me. The capsules are starting to show just how handy everything is. Whoever thought of that is a genius. i’ve been researching blender a lot and while it is impressive, I just love the way Cinema 4D works. That’s worth something. As is the c4d navigation that seems to work with my hand limitations. I’m excited about cinema 4d again. Looking back at old releases, I realize now that I often don’t quite get a new feature and that I need to give it time to marinate. S26 came out swinging with some flashy updated and new features. But those smaller ones really show some thoughtfulness. Some of the really cool tiny features end up being a bigger deal than I thought. That’s what I like about Cinema 4D. Everything just works together so well. Watching polygon pen on YouTube Use some of the new modeling features really drove it home for me. This is a guy who’s great at modeling and is very excited. And now I am too!
  11. This is why i thought that Maxon might work on a realtime solution - I guess U-render fills that void but it doesn't run on a mac.
  12. Well, let's hope that CPU performance in RS CPU doesn't follow Cinema 4d's update schedule, but rather as it is ready. No idea what the RS update cycle is like. The RS team has so much work cut out for them. It's neat they have feature parity, but initial impressions are that it is slow. Slower or faster than physical?
  13. Starting to see that core rewrite show some payoff. Noodle sim test with splines Multi cloth sim:
  14. As always, Chris Schmidt does a great job showing everything.
  15. IIRC, a lot of people wanted Redshift material previews in the viewport. Looks like that one came true! Maxon One looks like a better deal with zBrush added.
  16. I almost put "Redshift CPU" in the raspberry award thread, but was not expecting it to be part of base C4d sub. I'll try it out. I've got a 3950x here. It also seems like a CPU version has a lot of potential. Cloth looks exciting. the remesher stuff I haven't seen yet. I'm technically in a meeting at the moment.
  17. Another one: Redshift included... in zBrush.
  18. Well, all of the excellent feedback here got me interested, as did the Corona Render official youtube channel. I don't see much on motion blur in animation anywhere - is it that buggy?
  19. Feature they removed without telling anyone: Bodypaint or standard renderer Feature nobody expected/asked for: updated C4d sculpting tools, anything having to do with magic bullet looks in C4D New feature, but can't be used in production: AI/ML based tech for image post effects, or zbrush integration that is worse than pre-acquisition New way to screw over perpetual license owners: zBrush only available as part of Maxon One Improvement that nobody sees much out of: standard/physical renderers get a speed boost on the latest M1 chips.
  20. Great work, everyone. It's got me interested to download a demo and try. I could always sub for a month or two! The website says most people learn corona in a few days, and then fall in love with it. 🙂
  21. Looks very sweet. The integration of Corona always impressed me. And I live the "slicer" - their version of render booleans. Anyone use it for small animations?
  22. This is me. Over 40, facing a disability that saps my energy. Is it worth it to spend money on C4d? Do I have the time or energy to learn Blender? Do I just give up on 3d entirely? This is why real time rendering appeals to me. U-render in particular since C4d + Urender are so easy to use and give results QUICKLY.
  23. One week away. I get the feeling this release may pull me back to maxon if big leaps are made, or push me all the way towards Blender. My mind just doesn't work as well in Blender (probably due to lack of practice) and it's definitely harder on my hands than C4d. I can't deny that Blender's two modern render engines are better than C4D's none, though. I also saw a teaser from the U-render twitter account that appears to be NPR/toon rendering. I'm holding out for news from them, too. I hope they aren't buried by the post S26 release hype/anger. I just know I don't want any more red giant looks or other weird things added to Cinema if the core features aren't evolving and speeding up. The subscription model made it easier for me to cancel if I'm unhappy with a release. That subscription model doorway swings both ways.
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