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Tristan Wheeler

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Everything posted by Tristan Wheeler

  1. friends im currently having luck with this problem by using the advanced tab.... but one can never be too sure. just discovered this. wouldn't be surprised if it starts bugging out again.... also I'm not sure if one can edit the base pose. pose_q.c4d
  2. I just watched this tutorial on how to add vertex maps to generators: Amazing!... but wait, the tutorial only shows the vertex map being applied simulation tag mappings. I tried to apply this to a restriction tag on a displacement deformer and it does not work. A bit odd because if you look up vertex maps in the help file it says: Vertex Maps are, for example, almost essential for working with Deformation objects." So why are simulation tags working with these vertex maps but deformers or anything else I'm trying isn't registering them. How are they showing up in my viewport if they can't be accessed? Maybe there is something going on with hierarchies or priorities that I don't understand. I've attached a project file that compares applying a vertex map attached a generator to a cloth tag vs to a deformer. I ultimately want to use a curve falloff from a function graph to create my vertex maps and then apply this to a deformer. This is also in the file. If somebody could suggest an alternative to using a function graph to influence the effect of a deformer on a generator this would help me solve my problem but I'd ultimately like to figure out how to access these vertex maps on generator objects outside of just simulation tags because it seems to open up a lot of possibilities! Thanks! VERTEX_Q.c4d
  3. I know. I think yellow is supposed to be any error. It turns yellow sometimes for undefined object but not always. My question is how to better debug Xpresso files... i.e. a way to search for broken nodes etc. since the UI is buggy.
  4. I've noticed that if an Xpresso file has a node with an "undefined" or problematic object, regardless of if it is connected to anything... the whole patch will stop working. This can become a big problem for me because sometimes the node will not switch to yellow to indicate something is wrong. I find it a bit strange that a problem node attached to nothing could make the whole this stop working - never encountered with in a node based interface before. When this happens there is no warning anywhere that I know of top find. How do people debug massive patches when something mysterious like this goes wrong?
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