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Everything posted by srek

  1. 1. no, this is not about fields, fields only control the weight map. Scene Nodes don’t know anything about fields 2. Operations is the Operation applied by the average node, you can choose min, max, … instead of average 3. All arrays output by Polygons Info are based on the selected polygons and the element with the index 0 of each array will give you the data matching the first selected polygon. It doesn’t matter on which of the arrays the iteration is based, it just changes which data you get directly from the iterator and which you have to get by using Get Element 4. Not really, as i wrote in the Blog, it’s really only an average
  2. Maybe this helps you already https://nodebase.info/example/weight-controlled-poke-modifier/
  3. Poke and the other basic modeling operations do not support individual variations per element, you would have to do this by hand by repeatedly applying the operation to individual elements at varying strengths. Edit: Also to work with fields you need point weights as a starting point, direct sampling of MoGraph fields is not available.
  4. Update, this time with a bit of a focus on MoGraph Combining Fields and Scene Nodes https://nodebase.info/example/controlling-a-modifier-with-mograph-fields/ And also my addition to a nice Youtube tutorial from Jack Ke https://nodebase.info/general/combining-mograph-and-scene-nodes-voronoi-fracture/
  5. Not for the faint of heart, something on Array Collections. https://nodebase.info/example/working-with-arrays-part-4/
  6. Iterate Collection delivers the elements of the collection. A for loop is more comparable to the Range node, where the output port Range would be the iterated value (x). Loop Carried value is a generic loop body that can be used for any kind of iteration. Comparisons between code and nodes quickly break apart, the two really work differently. I.e. you can't end an iteration in code more than once, in nodes you can.
  7. I haven't gotten a single artistic gene from either side of my family, those are all done using SD locally and some very straight forward and limited prompts
  8. The list is getting longer, a lot of stuff regarding arrays was added. Have fun.
  9. Thanks, that shouldn't have happened Edit: The culprit was a default resizing from Wordpress
  10. If you create a setup that involves no gravity weight has no meaning. You need mass and density to be able to define a bodies behavior under all circumstances.
  11. Thanks, that is certainly something to think about. I also added a request form https://nodebase.info/request-a-topic/ No need to repeat what you posted here, that is stuck in my brain 😉
  12. As a personal side project to provide more information on Scene Nodes to everyone interested i started a small page. https://nodebase.info Feel free to request topics that should be covered
  13. Sorry, it is not my place to comment on anything that might happen to Cinema 4D in the future.
  14. In the mean time check out what you can do with in and output ports
  15. The scene manager was part of the tech demo and has been retired.
  16. You are describing what Xpresso offers
  17. i fear you are incorrect. Xpresso and scene nodes solve very different problems and work in different contexts. Xpresso controls parameters, but can’t really change the objects or their geometry. Scene Nodes create or modify objects, but can’t modify the parameters of objects.
  18. Please try to connect the Linkled Geometry directly to the output, maybe the Clone onto Points node has a problem.
  19. In the group click on the left bar and create a new port. Then right click that port and choose Add Nested Port>Object Bundle>Geometry Then go to the resource editor, select the input port and set Scene Port Mode to Link. This creates a Link field on the group. This port will deliver the geometry of the linked object.
  20. Most changes on this were not made to specific features, like deformers, but to the way how the scene is evaluated. Deformers take a lot of advantage from this even without any multithreading. If i remember correctly deformers have been multithreaded for a few years already, where did you read that this is recent?
  21. Small correction, TP originally came from Cebas and received quite a few updates and improvements over time that were done by Maxon. S&T however is directly from Maxon, like Hair it is heavily integrated into the old render engine, so a port to Redshift would mean a complete new development.
  22. Feel free to check out my small Github Repository as well. Splinify is a generator capsule that will create curved or linear splines from edges. For curves you need to switch the capsule to Bezier mode https://github.com/bmarl/Neutron
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