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Everything posted by jed

  1. There's a node 'get nearest point on spline' that almost does what you want. Here I've got some user data to manually click through the points to get a % readout - Unfortunately, the node sees all splines as adaptive, but I think uniform would be better. It's still usable - you can set the % for a 2nd object and it lines up. splinepoints.c4d
  2. Here's a compare node set to >=. It gives a 1 or True when frame is >= 30.
  3. I'm not familiar with the car rig, but back in the day align to spline etc only went up to 100%. To make your object loop past 100%, you used modulo 1. Modulo means count up to, but never actually reach the max - resets to 0%. might work... [ nowadays, align goes past 100% ]
  4. Try this - I used a 3rd plane with some cylinders. 3 planes.c4d
  5. explanation - hierarchy points to the parent objects and the iteration is the default D = starts at 1 level down N = iteration path is next on same level hierarchy outputs each object in turn, and object index gives the index number 0, 1, 2 etc capsule is a representative object that assumes the ID of whatever is plugged into object port the index is compared to the slider == gives a True or 1 != gives a False or 0 the visible ports - 0 = on 1 = off 2 = default so the value is inverted with the not node
  6. I found the file, but I didn't add any remarks in the XPresso. link_clones2.c4d
  7. This is quite close to the Blender idea. I only animated one card and used memory nodes for the rest - so it doesn't settle down until > F300 Some ideas for you 😀 flap 6.c4d edit - I found some tex on the website
  8. other Python 3 changes xrange is now range integer division now gives real (not integer) result was 5 / 2 = 2 now 5 / 2 = 2.5
  9. jed

    If else Loop

    I think this does it def main(): global Output1 # n is number of mats for a in range(n): if Input1 >= Input2 * a and Input1 < Input2 * (a + 1): Output1 = a
  10. In this file I detect when a random node exceeds an adjustable threshold, which unfreezes a 2nd random node to pass a new value for the hue. Lower threshold = more flicker flicker2.c4d
  11. Groucho Marx - I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member Bill Gates - it's not a bug, it's a feature
  12. I just get one red banner now.
  13. I paid my forum subs - see email but I'm getting dazzling red banner messages saying I'm not a member. any suggestions ?
  14. A lot of people don't realise that when they set a port (eg on a rangemapper) to degrees, it still outputs radians in XPresso. Comes as a shock the first time they stick a result node on something rotational, expecting to see nice multiples of 10 😀.
  15. The guy in the YouTube video has fallen for a common trap of using pi - which is unnecessary since rotation in XPresso uses radians. The distance x travelled by a wheel is given by x = radius * rotation angle (where the angle is in radians) so rotation is given by angle = distance / wheel radius move the cube in this file in X to see the wheel rotate wheel radians.c4d >> Mr Pedantic 😀
  16. @darrellpI made some teeth and fixed the issue I was having at the corners using formula effector RT rack 2.c4d
  17. I'd call your 'gear bars' rack and pinion - like car steering. I had a go at your idea of parallel gear but I had a bit of difficulty with the teeth at the Reuleaux triangle corners. I managed to bodge it using spheres for teeth - Anyhow, I've done the math for you 😀 RT rack.c4d
  18. @darrellpI've been thinking of doing a tutorial on Reuleaux triangles - watch this space 😀 Here's some of my experiments -
  19. PURE LOOP | 360mm silent essential Water coolers from be quiet! says 1700 socket I would check motherboard manual to ensure you have the connectors plugged into the correct headers. Also see if there's a load curve in the bios to set the cooling system response to temperature - PWM means the fan speed is variable.
  20. Here I used xpresso to rotate the lower object and dynamics to push the rest pump 4.c4d
  21. Do you mean scroll to first active ? C4D Tutorial: Huge Timesaver, Scroll to First Active Object - The Pixel Lab
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