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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi guys! My 2 cents on the topic: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMfgEuGXkAIr0tj?format=jpg&name=900x900 Besides the jokes, I think Cinema 4D is one of the greatest software that I have used and now is affordable even for my location. When I open Blender, all the navigation and stuff make me feel I got into LADA car (it is old soviet cars)it can drive you in every place but in the most uncomfortable way, when I use Maya, I feel like I am driving Alpha Romeo - beautiful but it breaks every 10 km., when I use 3Ds Max (my first 3d app) I am feeling I am in a tank - I have 2 handles for everything, when I use Houdini...well like I am in CERN, I am accelerating particles to make a cube, and I accidentally make a hypertorus packed with monkeys, which are consumed by the black hole that also accidentally appeared...I end up making the cube with real paper from the garbage in the post apocalypse world that I have created. when I use Nuke - I am using BMW, cool but too expensive and in the winter you don't go out with it... and when I use Cinema 4D - I am in a AUDI! Feels good and takes you where you want to go! The grass is not always greener on the other side!
    6 points
  2. Yea to be honest I wouldn't use either of the techniques you provided examples of above flat surface or not, mainly because they're ugly:) one would prefer a nice quad patch like the example @Cerbera provided:D
    1 point
  3. First of all the top of this cylinder is flat - fully planar, so it doesn't matter if there are triangles or complex poles, even under subdivision. There is no functional difference between the 2 quad options you have shown - they are all kite quads at the centre, and either is an equally acceptable solution for quads on a planar surface. However, both of these ways are rubbish under subdivision on a curved surface - in that case neither will do because you can't be having the complex pole that remains at the very centre, which will result in artefacting during render. In that case then this is the answer for quad solving - it can cope with curving in any direction, and has not a single complex pole anywhere ... CBR
    1 point
  4. that meme made me spit out my beer 😂
    1 point
  5. Update: For this project an actual picture of this section of the filter worked perfectly. Feel like an idiot haha. You never look for the easy solutions first... But if anyone has any future thoughts on how to create a mesh texture within C4D, share the knowledge! Thank you
    1 point
  6. Well, the thing is, if you're using mocap(which is the intended use for that template) it was needed to work that way. If you're not using Mocap, then use the Advanced Biped rig. If you are using Mocap you could still do it by either parent constraining or psr constraining the IK controller to another object that you can treat as the IK control. Just make some object, and put the tag on the mixamo ik arm controller.
    1 point
  7. Oh yeah, you would have to set the cloth belt again at the new position to fix that... CBR
    1 point
  8. Thanks again for staying with this. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but when I uncheck enable, and move, everything is ok. Then when I re-enable the cloth modifier, the flag goes back to it's original position. Might be something to do with R19. Thanks for the help.
    1 point
  9. In R21, the flag does move with the pole, and apart from some intersection issues caused because the pole itself has no cloth collider tag on it, that is actually working in my viewport with your current setup ! However, if you cache the flag with the pole stationary, then obviously it can no longer respond to any movement you subsequently make with the pole. But you can cache the cloth AFTER you have recorded any pole movement animation and then it should cache the flag movement including that caused by the animated pole. Not sure if that answers your question as to why that may or may not work in R19, but I don't have the version installed any more to test in... CBR
    1 point
  10. What render engine are you using? I use Redshift I I do this by using a Displacement Blender node, and have this driven by the morph slider which is a simple espresso set up. The range mapper is the key to driving one morph one while another off by using opposite values in the output field. Its the case as to what render enging your using and finding a simular set up. Dan
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Thanks a lot man !!!! very kind of you. I needed to figure out a way to make it nice and metalic again after what you suggested but I think I made it ! 🙂 thanksssss !!!
    1 point
  13. i've been recently experimenting a lot with cartoon sfx setups like water, fire, smoke, explosions and so on purely with mograph, fields and volumes. no particles, no plugins. most fun i've had in a while, also i'm quite impressed what can be done with just the on-board tools. just wanted so share those here too, since people seem to like them a lot on twitter, hope you'll like them as well. https://twitter.com/everfreshdesign
    1 point
  14. More interior work with Corona renderer.
    1 point
  15. just uploaded a compilation of all the toon FX setups i've done to vimeo 🙂
    1 point
  16. c4ds rigging tools are much more capable than most people think! we do have a few limitations because of how our object system works, but most things that can be done in maya can be done in c4d as well.
    1 point
  17. Are blender forums so poor that no one uses them ? What is this craving with people trying to push blender in a cinema 4d forum ? There is clearly some personal psychology going on here..or maybe it is just that blender forums are a waste of space and users feel the need to tell us how wonderful blender is in this forum
    1 point
  18. You just can't beat the Cafe..now if it only could serve Amsterdam ..extras ..
    1 point
  19. In some cases is needed to adjust up-vector. But in my example (when you check single tree axis) is axis of clone on the bottom of the tree a tree grow in Y axis, so no needed any adjustments...
    1 point
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