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Everything posted by MighT

  1. @kaluginNo need to apologize. It seems as if rather I should apologize as I seem to have given you the feeling you would need to.
  2. Why almost? That's what the Apollonian Gasket is, a fractal. Only posted it, because @HappyPolygonreferred to the Apollonian circles further up this thread. Though to be precise, these are not actually Apollonian circles, but Soddy circles.
  3. For what it's worth these here's my Apollonian Gasket done with Scene Nodes.
  4. In Asset Juggler it depends on the Baking mode. One can bake the combinations into keyframes, Takes and separate project files. The first mode is obviously not suited for animated assets, but modes using Takes or project files are.
  5. The Undo example is wrong. Undos for new objects need to be added AFTER the insertion.
  6. @Kevin SnyderContact me via PM, if you still need such a script/command. Rate is "pay what you want" (which does NOT mean free).
  7. It's certainly not ideal, but until we get real Scene Nodes handles, I think, it's all we have.
  8. C4D went Python 3 in the meantime. For your scripts, it means mainly the print instructions need to be proper function calls. So: print("xyz") instead of: print "xyz" Here are the changed scripts: Connect Delete without Null_AB.py Connect Multi Children Nulls without Null.py I only briefly tested them. But they seemed to do what I think they should do in R25. If there are any issues I have overlo0oked, please let me know.
  9. No, that's not possible currently. Scene Nodes has no viewport interaction, yet. But you can help yourself with a workaround. Create a traditional Null object (any other object will do as well), which will basically serve as your handle. Then in Scene Nodes use a "Classic Object Import" node to import this Null object.
  10. Ok, too late. I was about to tell you this. The answer is: From the output ports. Hover the mouse over the output port of one of your Selection objects.
  11. For what it's worth, my Asset Juggler plugin could help with this. Regarding your Python Xpresso node problem with multiple link lists, I'm pretty sure, we can get it fixed as soon as you provide us with a project file demonstrating the issue.
  12. Here's the docs about Tokens, very helpful to set up generic paths, automatically adapting to project parameters. But if you don't know about them, they will not have been the culprit. I guess, we will not be able to solve this, as the erroneous settings are gone. Another possible cause of the issue not mentioned in here, yet: Maybe some special character not allowed in the filesystem crept into the erroneous path. Anyway, we will never know.
  13. The asterisk following the filename in Picture Viewer already marks files, which have not been saved. I don't think I ever encountered such an issue. Not sure anyone will be able to help here. Without actual paths and project files or at least render settings, it will be impossible to say what has happened. Have Tokens been involved? Is it possible the drive was temporarily full? Any chance saving had been disabled in Render Settings? Edit: Typo
  14. They are different. One is the project's framerate for example used for dynamics simulation, timing of keyframes,... The other is the render framerate, where the renderer basically "samples" the project per rendered frame. Setting them differently certainly has use cases, but I'm the wrong guy to talk about such. With that said, I'd prefer the other parameter's value being shown in either place, plus a button to set the other or get from the other.
  15. There's another frame rate (FPS) parameter in your project settings (Attribute Manager -> Menu Mode -> Project -> Tab Project). Both need to match, to get the number of frames you expect.
  16. Only for completeness sake: For "one shot" Scene Nodes jobs (probably rarely the case) you can also convert the Scene Nodes output into a classic object (Node Editor, menu Edit -> "Current Scene State to Classic"). But in general rather go with @srek advice.
  17. Chris Schmidt once made a tutorial on this (most likely still in his Greyscale Gorilla days). It involved doing the woven pattern flat and then actually cloth sim'ing it into shape via a Mesh deformer. Luckily Google was my friend: https://player.vimeo.com/video/96919606?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffffff
  18. And I think, with S26 SP1 this behavior got default, if I understood Chris' correctly in his video.
  19. For what it's worth, I do still have C4D versions back to R12 installed here on Win10 (well, in this context the R19 is probably that version that counts). They all run fine, so I could to a certain extend help in converting project files. Keep in mind, though, this can get problematic, if such project files rely on plugins I do not have installed here.
  20. You can also define an environment variable C4D_SCRIPTS_DIR and let it point to an arbitrary folder. This adds an additional location for scripts in C4D. All other script folders (as the one described before in this thread) are unaffected and keep working. In this way, you have a folder for scripts shared between all your C4D versions. Of course scripts contained in there may only work in certain C4D versions. But pretty much every script can be easily made compatible with almost all relevant versions of C4D (at least back to R18, when this environment variable got introduced). If compatibility gets an issue, feel free to ask for help.
  21. If the polys were sufficiently even and the transition from one material to the other on a constant height (or at least distance to base) one could probably use Scene Nodes in a Capsule to create such selection.
  22. I had hoped, I had made sufficiently clear that I was mentioning these options for completeness sake, only (and partly for the joke). But yes, I have indeed used the second before. If a project is only complex enough and the hierarchy in OM gets deep enough, there is a, admittedly rare, use case. BUT even then you can reach similar effect with dragging a parenting Null to the HUD. Or by using layers to hide parts of the hierarchy in OM. Many roads leading to Rome, I guess.
  23. I guess, I will soon be called Tediousman, because that's what my suggestions are. Yet, for completeness sake, I'd like to add two options: You can put objects on a layer and then drag the layer to the HUD. Right click in HUD and choose "Action->Enter Command...", enter "Select from Layer". Bamm! With just four clicks and entering 18 characters (incl. space and return...), you can now click the layer in the HUD to select its objects. You can use the Selection Object (Menu: Select -> Selection Filter -> Create Selection Object) in a similar way. A wee bit simpler. Drag the Selection Object to the HUD. Double click its icon to select the objects. Nobody said, life is easy. And I'm of the firm opinion, you got to know the complex stuff to cherish the simple solutions.
  24. Just making the traced cube editable seems to work as well. Rather strange. This made me think into the direction of execution priorities, but neither order of objects in OM nor Shift Priority tag did change anything. I tested in R19 and R21, same behavior. It's not a new issue. I agree with @MJV and wouldn't have expected this. Maybe it's worth asking Maxon's support about it. The project file is sufficiently simple and ideally suited for a support request.
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