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Everything posted by Havealot

  1. @Hrvoje Wouldn't it make more sense to do the transform on object level instead of at point level? And why not use a parabola shape instead of a cosine? That would result in a more realistic and pronounced bounce animation.
  2. @gutster You can also do it with Xpresso. laser_hit.c4d
  3. @Bennyp Support for scaling Rigid Body objects has been added with 2024.2: https://support.maxon.net/hc/en-us/articles/8658038724124-Cinema-4D-2024-2-December-11-2023
  4. Not knowing the lens is not a big problem usually. It helps the validate whether your solve is correct, but lenses aren't perfect, so letting the solver figure it out can produce more stable results, even though it comes up with a slightly off value for the lens.
  5. @Zulfikar Kaba I don't know what the issue is in your case, but maybe try with lower resolutions. The extra pixels are not going to help you much with the tracking result. Especially auto tracking is more stable with lower resolutions, that's what it has inbuilt downsampling.
  6. @bentraje As Fritz already pointed out, this is not what Scene Nodes does or how it interacts with the rest of C4D. You can use them as a generator, primitives or deformer, but it is not a nodal expression system like Xpresso. Scene Root is only relevant if you want to remain exclusively in Scene Nodes. Just out of curiosity: Why do you want to do rigging in Scene Nodes instead of in Xpresso?
  7. @Keith VickWorks for me in 2024.1. Can you share the scene?
  8. @jbatista Can you elaborate on "Thigs like the spline editor separate window when you are working with fields"? I am not aware of any issues there.
  9. In the musical mograph thread I found that in your scenes was that you are using very high substep settings. This is what caused the gravity to stop working in at some point. That's not really a bug but a limitation of using 32 bit precision. The system uses 32 bits (Bullet is 64) for better performance. What happens is that the value changes per substep are becoming so small that 32 bits can't represent them anymore. This is also explained in the manual btw. Reduce the substeps and it will work as expected. For a simple scene like that (at least when it comes to the simulation aspect of it) you won't need them anyway. In the other thread I didn't spot any issues other than several pages of discussing weight vs. mass/density. In the musical mograph scene you are using a gravity of 3000. What would you expect to happen to your weight in this scenario? You may have an intuition for how heavy a ball of 20 cm radius of a certain material is. But do you also have an intuition for how heavy that would be if the mass of the earth was about 3x larger than what it is? If I missed any bugs in that thread, feel free to point them out. An as a general remark: There is software that simulates physics with a precision that can tell you whether your real world bridge will collapse or not. But it will be busy for many hours until you get the result. Any simulation is an approximation and has to decide whether it wants to favour precision or interactivity. The new simulation system in C4D does the latter. The idea is to mimic physical behaviour with high enough frame rates, that you can quickly do iterations to tweak the sim until you are happy with the result.
  10. @MJV Can you be more specific about "disappointing new simulation solver"? What is it missing or not doing the way you expect it to do? @Cian McGrath Are you sending crash reports when you encounter them?
  11. For terrains you may want to take a look at Gaea: https://quadspinner.com/ It's a bit more involved compared to TerraformFX, but it is far more capable and has very attractive pricing. Depends a bit on your needs though. It is probably not worth the learning effort if you just need a somewhat plausible landscape every once in a while.
  12. @Kim Hoffmann You should be able to bake the hair to alembic as well.
  13. That or bake as alembic and use the time offset.
  14. Happypolygon is on the right track. You can emit velocity from a collider geo (make sure to adjust the thickness based on your voxel size). Turn off all the other emissions (density, temperature,...), keep the strength at 100 (you can go a little higher depending on what you are after) and set the "Type" to "Set to Movement". Some of the density may make it through your "collider". If that bothers you enable density and with set 0 and add 0 or, if that doesn't cut it, emit negative density. In the end you should get something like this:
  15. @Belljones Any reason why you are using the old Soft Body system (bullet) instead of the new one?
  16. Not sure what happened there. But deleting the cloth tag and replacing it with a fresh one worked for me.
  17. @HappyPolygon Here, "Edge to Spline" Capsule. It's in the scene database if you want to add it to your own database. It's a Spline Primitive that accepts a single mesh object as an input. If you want several object to be considered, just put them under a connect. I've also added selections if you want to control where which polygon outlines are turned into lines. Edge_to_Spline.c4d
  18. Pyro has is based on a grid, not particles.
  19. What scene nodes can do depends a lot on what the user can do. You can do a lot of fun stuff with just a hand full of math nodes if you know how to break things down. But that's the same in all node systems. Most of the awesome demos you get to see in Geometry Nodes rely on the ability of the individual who built the setup, not on some high level functionality that the node system offers. Same for Houdini. Most Entagma tutorials are not about using Houdini features, but about using Houdini as a versatile platform to implement interesting algorithms (often partially in VEX).
  20. @HappyPolygon I don't remember the exact source. I took it from some video in either Geometry Nodes or Houdini. The whole setup was done in Scene Nodes. It doesn't have a high level particle workflow but in the end particles are just a bunch of arrays of data and a solver that takes care of updating them for every time step. You can build your own custom particle system in Scene Nodes if you want. The memory node can serve as a container for your solver because it will give you the result of the previous execution/frame. I've attached a basic example. It randomly emits from a surface and has a built-in noise force. Particles are visualised through instanced spheres. It could be faster with a bit more work (e.g reusing entries in an array instead of resizing it when killing particles). Keep in mind that Scene Nodes does pre-rolling. So if you want to tweak parameters, better do it on frame zero. basic_particle_system.c4d
  21. I also tried to replicate this some time ago but went with a scene node setup. It uses the gradient of Chladni patterns as a force to move particles around. Unfortunately I don't have the scene file anymore and all that is left of it is a crappy render. 1000k_480.mp4
  22. @Karina P Reduce the collision margin to something lower. You can find it here: Project settings -> Bullet -> Expert -> Collision Margin. 0.1 or even 0.05 looked good in my test.
  23. @HappyPolygon Until it is fixed you can use this custom version of the random selection. To install it go to the Asset Browser -> Create menu -> "Import Assets..." and point it at the zip file (don't unzip). After you've done that there will be a new version of the asset, that is more random. random_random_selection.zip
  24. It output of the tracer is a spline, which itself doesn't have a thickness. Where to set the thickness depends on what technique you use for rendering. If you sweep them the thickness is controlled by the profile spline, if you use hair / spline rendering it is controlled via the material.
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