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Everything posted by kweso

  1. @srekmy Maya days are long gone. But iirc there you can open multiple materials in the shader graph and eg use the same node to drive different properties in different material nodes. Eg, you build a procedural dirt layer. You could apply it to all your shaders at once. And if you want to change it, change it once and all materials are updated at the same time... Not sure if this is what @johanal ment...
  2. @keppnI have layers for my scene objects and additional ones for my materials. So locking and/or hiding scene objects does not affect my materials and vice versa...
  3. Hey all, I just read in the Blender vs C4D thread for a bit. Then I wondered what usage statistics would look like. So I thought of a poll. I already started to lay out the questions and options. But then I thought I'll crowdsource it before posting an incomplete survey. AND: I don't know if this has been done in the recent past. Other questions would be if this forum could provide a sufficient sample size and whether it would be biased since this started out as a pure C4D forum. I thought about using a google docs form instead of this forums poll option. In order to expand to other platforms (cg-talk, reddit, twitter...) But then: how do I prevent multiple submissions? Anyway: What I would ask would be something like this: Laptop or Desktop CPU (List of recent options, AMD, Intel, Apple) GPUs (List of recent options, AMD, Nvidia, Apple) Platform (Win, Mac, Linux?) Main software (C4D, Maya, Max, Blender, Houdini, ZBrush) Renderer (Octane, Redshift, Arnold, Corona, Evee, Cycles, App-Native, V-Ray) Compositing (Nuke, After Effects, Blender, None) Work environment (Solo, Small team, big company) Anything to add? Would this be an interesting thing to set up or should I just delete this post and crawl into a corner? 😉 Anyways, have an awesome day... kws
  4. Ah, I didn't see the GIF on mobile yesterday. Very cool, indeed!
  5. Sounds interesting. But unfortunately I have zero experience with Cineware. If I have to get C4D data in AE I solely work with AEC files... Cheers, kws
  6. @Chester Featherbottomwhen I am scripting I always have both python general and python for c4d reference open. And when I think of some method or property I search for it. Often I can't find anything on a particular thing I would need. But the CallCommand is always (almost) there. Seems many things in C4D are not represent in the python API. Or am I missing something? @dgericsonwhat would be a use case for mixing python and js? Laters... kws
  7. See, just learned something new... I will not ask you for an example because Edit: Though, some people to it https://realpython.com/python-for-loop/😉 Anyways... laters... kws
  8. @MighTI don't mind at all. I know you are right. (Therefore my "DISCLAIMER" 😉 )
  9. Yes, I just added one 😉 You are right, of course. But I actually learned that way. That took me a long time and I still have to learn a lot. I used to do action script 3 so the greatest challange for me in Python still is NOT to put an ";" at the end of every line 😉 But one more thing: Learning by "shitty scripts" was only half of the truth. The reason why I loved action script 3 so much (despite of all the bashing Flash had to endure) was the awesome documentation. And its integration in editing software for code hints and completion. Still miss the latter in C4D. But browsing the script reference for fun helped me a lot. https://developers.maxon.net/docs/Cinema4DPythonSDK/html/index.html https://docs.python.org/3/reference/ Cheers...
  10. Hey DG Ericson! Welcome to the forum... Does the "External Compositing" tag "Children" option not help you with this? https://help.maxon.net/c4d/s26/en-us/Content/html/COMPOSITING3DTAG-ID_TAGPROPERTIES.html?TocPath=Object%20Manager%7CTags%20Menu%7CVarious%20Tags%7CExternal%20Compositing%20Tag%7C_____2 Anyway, this might help you iterate through all your children: def iterateChildren(obj): if not obj: return iterateChildren(obj.GetDown()) iterateChildren(obj.GetNext()) #add tags here Then you call "iterateChildren" with our root object. DISCLAIMER: This is not tested. Save your stuff before! 😉 Cheers, kws
  11. Hey all, finally I started to play with scene nodes. And so far I like it. I used to miss nodes coming from Maya a couple of years ago. Now I found the nodes for "Standard Particles" and "Thinking Particles". But as I see it (from the example files in the docs) they are only there to use existing setups from the Object Manager to control other stuff (like geometry). Not really an improvement there. Did someone find a way to control the particles using nodes? Have you done something with particles in scene nodes? Are there any resources around on the topic? Did not find anything on YT. I guess I know the answer already, just hoping I am wrong 😉 But probably I still have to learn Houdini and/or convince my current employer to buy x-Particles... Anyway, thanks for any input. Laters, kws Edit: *itf = in the future 😉
  12. I did not use it yet. But I would imagine, it helps keeping stuff on the ground in a physical manner while animating the x/z-position by manual keyframes. What I ment above is that all position and rotation is keyframed manually with manually set axis centers... Anyway... Nice little animation. "Useless" are the best. Did you matchmove a video or is the bg a hdri on geometry? Laters, kws
  13. Didn't know. Looks a bit more Win10-modern. But seems to do the same as 7zip. And since, as mentioned, you can use 7zip without ever having to look at the UI, i preferre open source... Laters, kws
  14. I feel you. But if you choose the following settings, it is almost as minimal. After that, just right-click and "extract to <folder>"... You'll never have to see the actual app again...
  15. Just hide the joints in the object manager...
  16. Good to know. They remade it for more current versions apparently. But still: I would do the op animation by simple keyframing... More control over everything that way...
  17. We switched from RS to Arnold last year because of image quality of our product visualisations with a lot of fabric materials. Last year we still had to use CPU because of alpha and AOV issues. It took about 4 times longer to render Arnold CPU in comparisson to RS GPU. But the Client (and ourselfes) was much more happy with the result. This year the GPU issues in Arnold seem to be fixed so we will go for GPU rendering. Will let you know how it went. But: I changed C4D autosave to every 10 minutes. Because Arnold IPR crashes C4D so often. Did not have those problems in RS. But2: I LOVE Arnold Toon / Countour shader (See my profile title image). And I have only good experience with the people over at answers.arnoldrenderer.com Laters, Kws
  18. Yes, i read, that this was a work from 2017 or so. And redone for the latest c4d release. My guess is straight keyframing... Would not be to hard for one standalone piece like this... Laters, Kws Btw: As I see it, all the rotations are from the same axis point. So no axis node would be needed.
  19. 70mb for a photo? Even my 24mp sony raw images are about 24mb each. Do you need the resolution / bit depth? And: Whats your output resolution? And as was mentioned before: Info about your hardware rig and software versions would help... Cheers, kws
  20. Thanky for your replies... I rebuilt my target now without deleting any points / edges. Now it works...
  21. Hey there, so, I have a mesh and created a copy to modify it in order to use it as a pose morph target. In the process of modifying I had to delete edges that I re-added later. The result has the same topology (vertex count etc) as my original mesh. But it seems that the index numbers for my two meshes are NOT identical. As a result, any atempt at a pose morph ends up in a mess. So my question: Can I "reset" or something the index numbers of my vertices? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1shfHlmKV_uKJpy9oI0dXeXHCQbLEcmHt/view?usp=sharing Thank you very much.
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